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Become the preferred exchange for crypto users

Liminal’s smart infrastructure helps exchanges avoid liquidity and security problems by keeping their wallets operational and fulfilling user requests at all times
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Transform exchange operations

Elevate security, compliance, and automation to a new horizon

Stay at top of your transaction processing, monitoring and balancing activity with our Automation Engine

Cut down the manual work and set policy workflow to shuffle assets between wallets when need be
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Smart Refill

Set threshold limit to move assets from cold to hot wallet

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Auto Sweep

Set threshold to move assets from hot to cold wallet

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Smart Consolidation

Consolidate small balances into single cold wallet

LIminal Cold Wallet Structure

Reduce transaction cost by up to 15% with Gas Fee Saver algorithm

Liminal’s smart Multi-Sig & MPC wallets let you send and get many transactions without having to deal with huge operating expenses

Unsure about how to safeguard your exchange funds? 

Check out how exchanges can safeguard their user funds

People who believed in us

Integrate your existing wallet ecosystem into Liminal’s Wallet infrastructure