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Unlocking a gaming Metaverse in just 10 days! The power of MaziMatic X Liminal

MaziMatic, a passionate pioneer in the realm of Metaverse, had a vision. They dreamt of crafting a vibrant virtual world where gamers could unite and immerse themselves in a thrilling universe of their own. However, this dream came with its challenges.

MaziMatic needed a robust and secure wallet infrastructure that would seamlessly manage the flow of their in-game currency, Mazi, and ensure the safety of their tokens—essentially, the lifeblood of their gaming economy. Like any ambitious gamefi venture, they needed a solution that would provide not only exceptional security but also automate complex processes.

This is where Liminal stepped in. With Liminal's wallet infrastructure, MaziMatic found the perfect balance between user control, privacy, and security. MaziMatic could ensure that each gamer had ownership of their assets, their Mazi tokens, securely and efficiently.

Problem Statement

The problem or rather a roadblock for Mazimatic, looking to launch its play-to-earn game, was to develop a robust, inclusive and customized wallet infrastructure to secure the in-game NFT assets, facilitate instant processing of transactions and offer a hassle-free way to manage their custody, providing the users with a certification of working with qualified platform.


Mazimatic had a detailed set of requirements that included seamless bridging between hot and cold wallet to move their in-game assets, support for Mazi token on both the Ethereum and BNB Smart Chain, access a secure way to operate their wallets holding a major part of their asset treasury and provide a smooth gaming experience to their users without transactions being stuck or any level of threat around the platform.

The Solution

We made a tailor-made dashboard for them to address the unique challenges faced while building the Maziverse, mainly focused towards managing their wallet operations. Our play-and-play API setup made it quite easy for their engineering team to integrate our wallet infrastructure into their existing setup where they can use the Multi-Sig & MPC wallets extensively. Furthermore, with our Gas Fee Saver and Automation algorithms, their operations and wallet team were able to set the right policies and workflows in place to route the assets based on demand and user activity without overlooking them manually.

Find out how you can benefit from a fully self-custodial Wallet Architecture